Friday, May 20, 2011

72.2 Kilos

I'm about 4 kilos from where I want to be for the next Ironman distance race - in a month. I know weight is but a part of the whole concept of going fast. So I will attain that objective by actually training consistently.
I stupidly twisted a knee 3 weeks back on a training ride with my club by stretching during a feed stop, something that I NEVER do. Idiot. That has been hurting my training; less running, no breaststroke and no power exercise on the bike.

This week has been better, I started by spinning and then going for a 2 hour ride in the rain a mud. The last two day I graduated to doing tough exercises on the home trainer (I find it's a good way to be focused) and did quite well today (12 max intensity 15s sprints at 110 rpm plus - 1min rest).

This is my (provisional) planning for the year:

IM South Africa Done 11h47 - but was sick (ear infection)
Port Elizabeth, East Cape, South Africa
Sun Apr 10 2011

Midzomernacht 15K run [edit]
Gent , Oost Vlanders, Belgium
Sat Jun 18 2011

Limburg 226
Neerpelt, Limburg, Belgium
Sun Jun 26 2011

Triathlon Zeeland Olympic
Vlissingen, Zeeland, Holland
Sat Jul 02 2011

Summer triatlon Vilvoorde Oly
Vilvoorde, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
Sun Jul 10 2011

HIM Antwerp
Antwerp, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
Sun Jul 24 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Long time no write? Yeah, stuff happened...

I moved to Belgium in Feb 2010 to live with my great Vlaams girlfriend. Quited my French job, was not successful in finding a similar job here (mostly because the stuff I did in France looks oooold compared to what design firms do here), did some work from home, did a bit of factory work, went to South Korea and now I am thinking of going back to Uni for two years to become an engineer.

On the sport front, I got confused and shafted by the ASO so I only did 4 or 5 Olympic TRI last year... But this year, I've got 4 Ironman distance races planed, starting with Ironman South Africa later this month.

As for insurance companies, until one shows me otherwise, I now think they are all run by evil people, very evil people.

Longtemps sans écrire? Ben ouais, des choses se sont passées...

J'ai déménagé en Belgique en Février 2010 pour aller habiter avec ma fabuleuse flamande. Démissionné de mon job en France, puis je n'ai pas été shuper pour trouver un boulot similaire en Belgique (surtout du fait que le travail que j'ai fait en France fait très daté par rapport au marché belge), j'ai ensuite bossé à distance, fait un peu de travail en usine, voyage en Corée du Sud et maintenant je pense retourner à la Fac pour deux ans pour devenir ingénieur.

Sur le front sportif, j'ai été bordélique et baladé par l'ASO donc je n'ai fait que 4 ou 5 TRI olympiques l'année passée. Mais cette année j'ai 4 courses distance Ironman de prévues, qui démarre avec Ironman South Africa plus tard dans le mois.

Quand aux compagnies d'assurance, tant qu'une me démontre le contraire, je pense désormais qu'elles sont toutes dans le mains de personnes mauvaise et malignes.